Picking a Legit Thesis Writing Service

Choosing the right thesis writing service is crucial; pick the wrong one, and you’ll find your credit card gets charged with no thesis ever materializing. So how do you know when you’ve found a legitimate thesis writing service? Knowing how to recognize a few simple red flags can protect you from getting scammed.
Look for online reviews of the writing service. People who find themselves ripped off generally don’t like to keep quiet about it. If you type the name of your chosen writing service into your preferred search engine and come up with dozens of people claiming it’s a scam, that’s a pretty good sign you should take your money elsewhere.
Try contacting the service. Any legitimate essay writing service will have a phone number you can call, or at the very least, some means of live chat you can use to communicate with them. A service that will only communicate via email can’t be trusted – move on to another one. Now, once you’ve located the phone number, it’s essential that you call it. What do you hear? If you’re being spoken to in a broken English accent, you’ve probably found yourself a foreign scam. If they’re paying cheap foreign labor to answer the phones, chances are, they’re paying cheap foreign labor to write the essay – if they produce any essays at all. Same thing goes for live chat; it’s a bit harder to spot, but if you’re seeing any broken English or basic grammatical errors in the live chat, that’s a very big, very red warning sign. Why would you trust a company with your thesis if they can’t manage coherent English communication?
Check out the service’s location. Somewhere on the website, every essay writing service should list their location – even virtual companies have to have some sort of physical location. But how do you check if the company is telling the truth? You’re going to want to do something called a WhoIs lookup. Typing WhoIs into any major search engine should provide you with a variety of websites that can do the lookup. When you do a WhoIs lookup of an URL, you’ll be shown the name and address of the individual who registered the website. If your supposedly American essay writing service was registered by a man in China, don’t be too eager to hand over your credit card details to them.
If it’s an American service you’re looking at, be very wary if the company is based in Delaware, Wyoming, Virginia or Nevada. Those are the four cheapest states to form a corporation in, and so that’s where most foreign scams choose to open their virtual company. Real essay services are based in the state where the owner actually lives. If your service is based across the ocean in the United Kingdom, be absolutely sure that they’ve got a valid Company House number; that number means they’re paying taxes to the UK, something scammers rarely like to do.
Most complicated assignments
Research papers require tons of research and hard work.
College term papers and midterms are dreaded by students.
Graduate thesis projects require experience and knowledge.
Dissertations can sometimes take years to complete.
Beware of custom writing scams
It probably goes without saying, but a website riddled with broken, grammatically garbled English is not worth your time, trust or money. Bad English on the page is going to mean bad English in the thesis, provided you get one at all. Don’t be eager to give your credit card details to a website that ‘looks’ legit. Third graders can design a website these days, and scam companies know that people will often judge the authenticity on a website based purely on how pretty it is. Nice-looking websites can be faked. Quality essays cannot be. Take an hour to ensure the service you are using is legitimate, official and hacker-safe. It will help you save your money and your grade.